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Posted by on 16/03/2012


I rode all day in the sun, things were looking up, it was late afternoon as I pulled into Bicheno and I decided to spend the night here, a good little holiday spot but off season, even better. I ended up in the pub of course, lots of bullshit and drinking and more bullshit, stumbled to bed and woke to more sunshine…maybe I should hang here?…no carry on. The road got even better for the bike rider and I was cruising nicely when I had to dodge a snake on the road, I think, shall I turn round and get a pitcha, yes why not, did a huee, went past the snake, did another huee, oops in the ditch, bikes going over, can’t hold it, down it go’s, fuck! I managed to drop it without any harm to the bike or me but felt a bit stupid, the petrol was pouring out so switched that off. And waited for help, no way  could I lift it up, not a lot of traffic, so after 3 or 4 mins, the first bloke to stop had a bad back, we discussed the weather and the fantastic roads for a few minutes, the second car stopped and an old guy about 80 got out, we had another go, no way, had another discussion, a few minutes more and a camper ambled along and out got a big mamma, we all looked at each other thinking the same thing, this girl will lift this out the ditch on her own, nah! Another few minutes and a big strong young fella turns up in the old ute and it’s upright again…how many people do’s it take to lift a Triumph loaded up, out of a ditch?…I gave them all a wave as I took off. Once they’d all passed me I did a huee went back to that snake on the road and took a pitcha.

A few klm’s up the road I hit the weather up in the hills and had a very slow ride for the final approach into Devenport, booked into the same pub but was very disappointed to find the big party the night before had drunk them out of Kilkenny.

It was time to leave Tasmania!

I am…. THE LONESOME TRAVELLER….travelling east….BE HAPPY!

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