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Arriving Hobart

Posted by on 16/03/2012

Hobart Town

Coming into Hobart was a bit like coming into most cities, all of a sudden you’re in the outer suburbs. You see your  first macca’s, then there’s a Kentucky fried chicken, Woollies , Coles, a shopping mall or two, traffic lights appear on every corner and the traffic starts to mount up. I didn’t have a clue where I was going as usual, so as always, headed for the city, “I must start getting more organized”, I had been on the internet and checked out places to stay but that was about a week ago and my memory doesn’t go back that far usually. Eh! No problem, I’ll ride around the city when I get there and I will no doubt come across somewhere.  I got to the city, always easy, there are signs directing you. Hobart is a lovely city as cities go but no matter how many times I rode around that city, I kept ending up in the same place, not having got anywhere. It was Saturday night, it was getting dark, I was cold and wet, I was getting more and more frustrated, and I still hadn’t found a place to stay. That’s it; I’ll have to park up, undo the stuff on the bike, get the laptop out and find out where the fuck I’m going. “I really must get more organized” I pulled up on the footpath and parked the bike and began taking off the six layers of clothing, when this guy, you know the guy, you’ve seen him and you think “he’s a loony” he was on a push bike with a bag strapped to the back like, he’s ,trekking around the  world, the dreadlocks are half way down his back, a beard like catweasel,  he’s about as thin as a stick insect, with thick socks, a Himalayan woolly hat and sandals. You wouldn’t happen to know where I might find a backpackers  around here would you? Ahhhhh, let me think, yes if you go down here about, no wait a minute, that’s one way, “I’d already discovered the one way system” I’ll draw you a map, wait there I’ll go get a pen in the bottle o, off he went to the bottle shop got a pen drew me a map to the Green Frog about 2 minutes away as the crow flies and I had a place to stay. “I Really! Really! must get more organized”

Tasmaniac’s are wonderful folk.

I am…. THE LONESOME TRAVELLER….travelling east….BE HAPPY!

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